The maintenance of your treatment must be considered at the right time. Touching up too frequently will result in saturating the area over time. Conversely, if you wait too long, the shaved effect will become almost imperceptible.
I apply a fixed price including two touch-up sessions
PACKAGE: FROM 900€ TO 1.500€.
In terms of correction, HAIR MICRO PIGMENTATION has its limits.
I can effectively reduce the visibility of stigmas left by a badly carried out treatment by incorporating a high density in a homogeneous way.
My only limit will be the extent of the damage. In other words, in some cases,
beforehand, only a few laser sessions will be able to bring the situation back to an acceptable level in order to allow me to correct it.
In many cases, I can save the day!
Except for LASER for severe cases... SCALP MICRO PIGMENTATION can significantly improve the appearance of poorly executed pigmentation.
That said, one case is not the other. Common errors will be Inconsistency, overly marked and bluish dots, darker areas (grouping of overly marked dots), inappropriate or poorly drawn hairline asymmetrical) etc...
Two to three sessions are necessary to improve the situation. The most important aspect to remember is that in terms of correction, the pigmentation process will always bring a high density in the end, we don't have much choice. The idea is to incorporate the visual defects in a high consistency in order to reduce their visibility.